Contest Information
2025 Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen’s Contest
New Orleans Marriott
Saturday, June 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Louisiana Farm Bureau’s Youth Contests offer many opportunities for the young people of Farm Bureau to show their talents, share their insights and win recognition, as well as cash prizes. Whether it is our Junior and Senior Talent Contests, oratory Talk Meet Contest or our glittering Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen’s Contest, there is something for every young person at Farm Bureau—including you!
For the Queen’s Contest, young ladies elected by their parishes ages 17-20 go through a series of interviews, modeling and onstage questioning, as they compete to be named Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen. The queen will travel the state of Louisiana and to the Nation’s Capitol, serving as an ambassador for Louisiana Farm Bureau during her reign.
2024 Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen’s Contest WINNERS
Queen—Emma Nicole Stelly, Vermilion
First Runner-up—Chacelyn Audrey Peltier, Iberia
Second Runner-up—Cesilee Oliver, Calcasieu
Miss Congeniality—Lillian “Lily” Gail Westbrooks, Caldwell
2025 Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen’s Contest
State Chair:
Wendy Segura, Iberia Parish
Who May Compete:
Any single female member of a Farm Bureau family between ages 17 & 20 by June 26.
Previous LFBF Queens are ineligible to compete.
Parish queens may enter the state contest again if selected by her parish.
Parish queens holding other state titles are ineligible.
Contestants are judged on the following:
knowledge of Farm Bureau and agriculture (40%)
conversational ability (15%)
personality (15%)
general appearance (10%)
poise (10%)
beauty (10%)
What to Wear:
Orientation: interview suit
Brunch: Sunday dress
Contest: full-length formal gown, any color
Rules & Regulations:
Parish Farm Bureaus must submit entry forms and a digital color headshot of contestant to the state office by May 1.
Parish Farm Bureaus will provide a chaperone for contestants and submit her name to the contest chair with the contestant’s entry. Chaperones should plan to attend orientation.
Parish Farm Bureaus are responsible for obtaining room reservations for contestants and chaperones.
No entry will be accepted unless completed using the JotForm online application.
If crowned LFBF Queen, she cannot serve as parish queen and must relinquish the parish crown.
NOTE: Queens will not be escorted.
Duties of Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Queen:
Reign until her successor is crowned.
Represent LFBF at major commodity festivals and events as contracted by the LFBF Office.
Participate in convention activities, as directed by the Queen’s Contest Chair and contracted by the Women’s Leadership Committee.
The LFBF Queen is not eligible to compete in other contests, festivals, fairs, etc. during her reign.
Will maintain a code of behavior in accordance with standards set forth by LFBF.
Thursday, June 26
4 p.m. – 5 p.m. — Registration
5:30 p.m. — Awards Program
Friday, June 27
10 a.m. — Orientation (reigning queen, contestants and judges)
11 a.m. — Interviews (queen’s suite)
Saturday, June 28
8 a.m. — Rehearsal (CLOSED)
11 a.m. — Women’s Brunch
5:30 p.m. — Contest
Parish: An expenses-paid trip for contestant and chaperone to attend the convention, courtesy of the parish Farm Bureau, and additional awards as determined by each parish.
State: The queen receives a $500 gift, an expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. Mardi Gras, full reimbursement for travel, accommodations and meals while representing Farm Bureau for the queen and a chaperone.
First Runner-Up — $150 gift
Second Runner-Up — $100 gift
Miss Congeniality — $100 gift
All incomplete contest applications will be returned to the parish and may result in delayed delivery of instruction to participants.
Contestants will not be allowed to have cell phones during any portion of their contest. Louisiana Farm Bureau is not responsible for loss of personal property.
Due to uncontrollable circumstances, all arrangements described for the 2025 Youth Contests may be interrupted, delayed, restricted, go virtual, hybrid, and/or be canceled.
For more information:
Megan Gravois
(225) 922-6213
Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation
P.O. Box 95004
Baton Rouge, LA 70895-9004